Balkanski fedivers

Balkanski fedivers je regionalna instanca za sve ljude iz Slovenije, Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine, Srbije, Crne Gore i Severne Makedonije i sve one koji mogu da pročitaju ovaj tekst:) Ovo je i sigurno mesto za sve ljude koji žele da isprobaju ili pobegnu od drugih društvenih mreža, a žele da diskutuju i o lokalnim problemima (ili možda samo ne žele da pričaju engleski na ostalim instancama:).

Website: ⧉

Server type: Mastodon
Languages: Hrvatski (Croatian), Bosanski / Босански (Bosnian), Cрпски / Srpski (Serbian)
Founded: January 2018

Instance Mastodon suisse pour les personnes de suisses et hébergée par l’association FairSocialNet. / Swiss Mastodon instance for people of Switzerland, hosted by the FairSocialNet association.

Website: ⧉

Server type: Mastodon
Language: Français (French)
Founded: July 2020

Livello Segreto è un’oasi social incentrata sul rispetto e la libertà.

La comunità è nata per parlare di videogiochi, fumetti, musica, diritti, underground, controcultura, arte. LS è uno spazio senza pubblicità, annunci commerciali e gossip. Più che un’istanza generalista, è un’istanza nata intorno agli interessi e ai valori della sua comunità. Frequentatela e scopritela!

Website: ⧉

Server type: Mastodon
Language: Italiano (Italian)
Founded: February 2022

A server intended for people connected to Ireland, but open to all who respect the server rules.

Freastalaí atá dírithe ar dhaoine a bhfuil baint acu le hÉirinn, ach atá oscailte do gach duine a urramaíonn ár rialacha.

Website: ⧉

Server type: Mastodon
Language: English, Gaeilge (Irish)
Founded: March 2019

This server is part of the smol internet. The smol internet is an initiative from a group of friends who share a certain weariness of huge internet services that exploit their users. This server has a love for openness, the internet, and pangolins. We hope you enjoy it. We are based in Sweden and so are most of our current users.

Website: ⧉

Server type: Mastodon
Languages: English, Svenska (Swedish)
Founded: April 2022

Is fear de dh’iomadh frithealaiche Mastodon neo-eisimeileach as urrainn dhut cleachdadh airson pàirt a ghabhail sa cho-shaoghal. Tha am frithealaiche seo ann do luchd na Gàidhlig.

Website: ⧉

Server type: Mastodon
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)
Founded: December 2022

We are the Mastodon social network for Wales and the Welsh, at home and abroad! Y rhwydwaith cymdeithasol annibynnol i Gymru, wedi’i bweru gan Mastodon!

Website: ⧉

Server type: Mastodon
Languages: English, Cymraeg (Welsh)
Founded: August 2018