Built to be a stable, long term, safe Mastodon server. Mainly Australian members, but signups welcome from anywhere. Aus.Social is a “progressive” server, and we recommend you read the rules to get an understanding of what that means to us.

Website: ⧉

Server type: Mastodon
Language: English
Founded: August 2018

We are the Mastodon social network for Wales and the Welsh, at home and abroad! Y rhwydwaith cymdeithasol annibynnol i Gymru, wedi’i bweru gan Mastodon!

Website: ⧉

Server type: Mastodon
Languages: English, Cymraeg (Welsh)
Founded: August 2018

Mastodon.Radio is a Mastodon server for radio enthusiasts including the Amateur (Ham) Radio community, anyone interested in Shortwave Listening (SWL), etc. Come join us and talk radio, technology, and more!

Website: ⧉

Server type: Mastodon
Language: English
Founded: August 2018 is by gamers, for gamers. People interested in games of any type are welcome here: computer games, console games, tabletop games, etc. Whether you make games or play games, this is the place for you. (NOTE: The ideologies of Gamergate and the alt-right are not welcome here.)

Website: ⧉

Server type: Glitch Mastodon
Language: English
Founded: December 2018

Balkanski fedivers

Balkanski fedivers je regionalna instanca za sve ljude iz Slovenije, Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine, Srbije, Crne Gore i Severne Makedonije i sve one koji mogu da pročitaju ovaj tekst:) Ovo je i sigurno mesto za sve ljude koji žele da isprobaju ili pobegnu od drugih društvenih mreža, a žele da diskutuju i o lokalnim problemima (ili možda samo ne žele da pričaju engleski na ostalim instancama:).

Website: ⧉

Server type: Mastodon
Languages: Hrvatski (Croatian), Bosanski / Босански (Bosnian), Cрпски / Srpski (Serbian)
Founded: January 2018